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What the heck is tapping or EFT?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or tapping, is a mind-body tool, under the umbrella of energy-psychology which is still going after 40 years, and getting ever more popular. This is because it's easy and effective as a nervous system regulation tool, even though tapping on your face and body looks rather silly and you may think "How the heck could that work?"

For an overview of what tapping can do see here.

How much is a tapping session?

I want to find a balance that feels fair and generous to us both. I know that some may struggle to afford a full price session, so I offer different ways to make it accessible.

My standard price is 70€ for an hour.

If you are a student, an intern, or on limited income that would otherwise stop you from coming, you can pay 50€ for the same care.

If you are comfortably off you may want to become an Angel Client, adding a discretionary amount on top of the standard 70€, thus allowing me to support those less privileged and giving you a warm fuzzy ;-)

There are also deals for buying a pack both for individuals and language schools.

What are the rules of engagement for our tapping sessions?

We will go by The Golden Rule - do unto others as you would have done unto yourself.

We are human, stuff happens, so within a framework of mutual respect and trust any blips can be smoothed by communication.

Here's a sheet describing that in more detail.

Is tapping (EFT) for me?


You can of course do tapping by yourself, that's how I started - check out these leads and see what you think.

As for us working together, me guiding your tapping, the key factor is that you feel safe in my hands.  So if you don't already know me feel free to request a free call, sin compromiso. And don't worry, hard sell is not my thing!

How long is a tapping session?

Typically we'll meet for 60', though a first session will be closer to 90' if we haven't had a chat previously.

What is Neurospicy?

It's a fun term to cover different ways of being neurodivergent, ie our brains work differently from neurotypical brains. This term includes autism, ADHD, HSP, OCD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, sensory processing disorder, but this list is not exhaustive.

In neurodivergent communities the social model is used (we are all valuable, some may need more support and accomodation that others), as opposed to the medical model (these brains are broken, they need fixing or making more normal)

Also important to note is that self-identification is equally valued in these communities, no diagnosis necessary for various reasons.

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